Resources for 10/20/2024
Order of Service/BulletinTrinity Hymnal
We are Called to Worship Opening Prayer Psalm 84 (Trinity 814, Responsively) Handout: Ancient of Days 3: Give to our God Immortal Praise We Read God’s Word Together Jeremiah 1 Confession and Assurance God's Law: 1 Peter 1:14-16 Private Prayers of Confession God's Gospel: 1 Peter 1:3-5 Pastoral Prayer We Give our Offerings Handout: Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul We Hear God's Word Preached Sermon Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 "God's House Under the Sun," Part 2 We Depart to Serve Together in our World 384: Lord Dismiss Us With Your Blessing Jude 24-25 Vertical Divider
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