For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope --Romans 15:4, ESV
Redeeming Grace Church is a Reformed Baptist church located in Oak Harbor, WA. We are in the confessional tradition of the 2nd London Baptist Confession of 1689 and the broader Reformed traditions of the 16th and 17th centuries. We are one of the member churches of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE). Our mission is to honor the Lord through building a community of gospel-centered people. Click here to learn more about us.
Current Sermon Series
The Gospel
Man and woman were created by a holy God. They were in perfect relationship with God, until they were deceived by Satan into disobeying God.
The consequence of their disobedience to God was death - spiritual, physical, and eternal. Since this first sin, mankind has also been given a sinful nature, from birth, altering their relationship to God, and as a result of sin, becoming an object of God's wrath. All people are now born with a rebellious sin nature toward God. God's law (Ten Commandments) shows us our sin. However, God promised to remedy this situation by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to save mankind from their rightly deserved punishment due to sin. This punishment is eternal separation from God, both on earth, and after death, in hell. However, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took on human flesh, lived a sinless life, was crucified on the cross in our place, was buried, and was raised to life after three days, as a full-payment for our sins. What an overwhelming gift of grace and mercy. All whom God has graciously chosen and called, will be reconciled to God through the power of the Holy Spirit. By that work of the Spirit, we rest in and receive (trust) Christ. In Him, our sin is removed and His righteousness is counted as our own (justification). We are united to Christ ("in Christ"). We will never be more righteous than we already are in Christ. He fulfilled what God has required of us and has taken upon Himself what was rightly laid against us! |
In that union with Christ, God has set us apart (sanctified) and His Spirit indwells within us to work that setting apart out out by beginning and continuing a life of repentance. Yet, we are always turned to Christ because, while we are justified, we are still, in practice, sinners (just and sinner at the same time). While we are still sinners, we have the hope and expectation that we will finally be delivered from the presence of sin when our Lord Jesus Christ returns bodily at the final resurrection (hope of the resurrection).
In being united to Christ, we've been united to all of those united in Christ. That is expressed by fellowship in a local church. In the ministry of the church, we hear and receive Christ in the Gospel in word, in sacrament, in prayer, and in fellowship. We receive Christ in the preaching of the Gospel. God confirms his promises and assures of His grace in baptism and the Lord's Supper. We go to the throne of Grace in prayer. We minister to one another the same Gospel in our fellowship with one another in prayer, singing, and presence. We are exhorted, from thankfulness, to obey God's law fully knowing that we will need to turn to Christ when we fail to do so as we should. When we gather, God's grace in Christ is renewed afresh to us. In so doing, we are formed as individuals and as a community meeting together with God in Christ. |